
"Not Easily Broken" - The Definite Winner of 3 "Marriage Crisis" Features

Comparing "Not Easily Broken" with the "white" version of a similar, "Marriage gone bad finds redemption" we watched recently, "Fireproof," the former is definitely the winner in that it feels infinitely more like the real thing. Although "Fireproof" definitely has some lessons in it, and would urge us all to be the nice, good and clean white Christian that is portrayed as the hero of that plot, it wouldn't have much to offer to anyone who doesn't already attend the pews on Sunday mornings...

In fact, people out in the real world with real problems, and often graver ones than being attracted to internet porn or the usual materialism, superficiality or just plain horniness, probably wouldn't be able to relate to the nice, white, clean American Christian world that the makers of "Fireproof" live in.
Whereas "Not Easily Broken" comes along much less preachy, and speaks from the heart instead, and thus, to the heart.
You can relate to it, and even if you don't know anybody as well-tempered in real life as the main protoganist in this (after all, a) movie, you wish you would, and you kind of wish it was you. Probably a lot of people can relate to it and feel like "been there," and the lessons and good advice this movie offers aren't just head stuffing you can rave about with the brethren on Sunday morning.
It's an everyday type of gospel, and what's even nicer, an everybody type of Gospel that not only the chosen few can relate to.

Yet another feature on a similar theme, offering a re-encounter with "Titanic" dream-couple Di Caprio and Winslet, presents the other side of the coin, what you could probably term the atheist version, in which the marriage gone bad winds up in total disaster.
Although "Revolutionary Road" definitely has some valuable lessons to teach about the danger of compromising one's true vocation, or even staying true to himself for material gain and safety, it's a painful lesson indeed, and while the first 3 quarters of the movie are definitely promising, intellectually stimulating and challenging, the ending (spoiler intended!) is too depressing to consider it worth it, and the only thing the movie has got going for itself in the end is that you can tell your teenage daughter, "You see, that's what would have happened if the Titanic would not have gone under!"


jasmine said...

Not Easily Broken movie is just a fantastic movie.Not easily broken is based on novel by T.D. Jakes.his is really a nice movie. you can also see it by online.

Anonymous said...

Not Easily Broken is a romantic and dramaticmovie, adapted from a novel by T.D. Jakes about a couple facing marital problems. Dave and Clarice have been disagreeing with each other for years about true happiness, success, and love.This is really a very nice movie... i watch not easily broken movie last week.....

Atul said...

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