

Every now and then something happens that threatens to shake all my "Woe-is-America" convictions and what some people would term anti-American sentiments in its foundations.
Having watched the 2005 flick "Elizabethtown" recently was one of those events.

As much as you want to hate Americans for their stupidity in actually swallowing the garbage their President is saying - or the majority of their paid-off preachers, for that matter - you can't help loving its culture, its music, and the people who show that side of America, even if the only place it actually exists is in its movies.

Charlie Bartlett

I think the first thing one would have to say about this movie is, that it's refreshingly different. Maybe only so because of the performance of the main actor, a kid I'd never heard about, (Anton Yelchin,) or maybe because it was made in Canada...

It only got a lukewarm rating on the Christian movie sites, probably because of it's blatant honesty, that's simply too much for that kind of religious hypocrisy, where it's okay to slaughter thousands in the name of God and President, but sex is a sin...

By the somber review this movie received on Crosswalk, I expected a gory dram, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that it's a witty comedy instead, to be enjoyed thoroughly. Looking forward to seeing more of Anton, although it's unlikely he'll easily find another role like Charlie Bartlett to play...

Reign Over Me

Great character study and more. See more of my input on this one on my regular blog: