

After the last two dozen of mediocre movies we watched that wouldn't have been worth wasting any web space or time on, (if you're out for something more than entertainment and happen to need something that grabs you by the... well, whichever place a movie's supposed to grab ya), it was good to finally enjoy the privilege of watching another "winner," which in my opinion, "Waitress" definitely was.

I like movies that teach you something about life, even if the plot isn't all as intricate as the "Matrix," and one of the things you can - if you're attentive - already grasp from the first twenty minutes of this film is a fact that seems to elude some folks for most, if not all of their lives:

The fact that we're not all the same. People are different. You may have certain goals and ambitions in life, you may want to be successful, rich or famous, but don't try to squeeze everybody into that same frame of mind of yours. Because there are different types of personalities around, and one person may have the need to dominate, another may have the need to succeed, or be secure, or to just be left alone, while yet others simply have the need to be loved for who they truly are.

And then there's another clue about that weird little thing called life: not only are people different from each other, but the person you are today may also be a totally different person than the one you might be tomorrow, or next year, or definitely in twenty years from now.
Some people change the moment they marry and become the monster they wouldn't have dared to show before, and others change the minute they have a baby and realize that something's been at work here that busts all previous confines and mindsets and schisms.

The master of the game may have drilled the Gospel of conformity into all of us for a century, getting most of us perhaps to accept that we're nothing more than mammals, and no matter how well your species may have mutated over the past 50 billion years, that's what you'll always be.

But every now and then something happens that dares to defy all that - excuse my French - bullshit and reveals that certain spark that makes the difference between us humans and our four-legged friends, even if some will refuse to see it until their deaths. It's the kind of "something" that happens while watching a movie like "Waitress" and even blows a magical breath of life into an otherwise totally idiotic ditty about baking pies, all of which (the "something," the "magic" and all that goes with it), only perceptible to those who actually walk through life with their spiritual senses activated.

Well, you may not be getting all this same stuff out of watching this movie, but that's because we're different. And if you're into people - I mean other people apart from the doubtlessly most important person to you: yourself - then you're going to enjoy this one.
I suppose it will always take a woman to make a movie like that. Perhaps because women don't restrict their thinking or knowing to that rational process men use the thing between their ears for - and as a man I'm allowed to say that.

"Waitress" is definitely not one for our pious brothers and sisters who insist that love can only be found within the sacred boundaries of marriage. But if it's reality you're after, you'll probably get a better taste of it with this pie than from a bucket full of evening news... The reality of being human to the core, that is so utterly different from the advanced ape-man mentality we're usually told to take on.

Call us decadent, call us shameless, sinful, and blame it all on that odious Creator who obviously didn't know what He was doing, but Who loves us humans to pieces anyway, and maybe - just maybe one day so will you.